The if conditional statement in Python is used to execute a block of code only if a specified condition is true. It can be extended with elif (else if) and else clauses to handle multiple conditions and provide alternative execution paths.
a = 10
b = 3
# Basic if statement
if a > b:
print("a is greater than b")
# if-elif-else statement
if a < b:
print("a is less than b")
elif a == b:
print("a is equal to b")
print("a is greater than b")
Loops in Python are used to repeat a block of code multiple times. The for loop iterates over a sequence (like a list, tuple, or string) or other iterable objects.
# Loop through a list
fruits = ["apple", "banana", "cherry"]
for fruit in fruits:
# Loop through a range of numbers
for i in range(5):
Loops in Python are used to repeat a block of code multiple times. The while loop repeatedly executes a block of code as long as a specified condition is true.
# Initialize a counter
count = 0
# Loop while the counter is less than 5
while count < 5:
count += 1
The break statement in Python is used to exit a loop prematurely, skipping any remaining iterations even if the loop's condition has not been met.
# Using break in a for loop:
for i in range(10):
if i == 5:
# Using break in a while loop:
count = 0
while count < 10:
if count == 5:
count += 1
The continue statement in Python is used to skip the rest of the code inside a loop for the current iteration and move to the next iteration of the loop.
# Using continue in a for loop:
for i in range(10):
if i % 2 == 0: # Skip even numbers
# Using continue in a while loop:
count = 0
while count < 10:
count += 1
if count % 2 == 0: # Skip even numbers
The pass statement in Python is used as a placeholder in loops, functions, classes, or conditional statements. It does nothing and is used to ensure syntactical correctness when a statement is required but no action is needed.
# Using pass in a for loop:
for i in range(10):
if i % 2 == 0:
pass # Placeholder for future code
# Using pass in a while loop:
count = 0
while count < 10:
if count % 2 == 0:
pass # Placeholder for future code
count += 1
# Using pass in a function:
def my_function():
pass # Placeholder for future code
# Using pass in a class:
class MyClass:
pass # Placeholder for future code